My dad and the dictionary.

As writing usually does for me, this little quip about my dad and the dictionary has turned into a blog post. Sorry, not sorry.

It’s not unusual for my dad to pop into my head as I pull up the dictionary. Which means I think about my dad a lot, because I refer to the dictionary a lot.

I love the dictionary. It has to be my all time favourite book. I love learning about words’ origins and etymologies, discovering new words to use and double checking that I am using words in an appropriate way. A lot can be learned about a language from its dictionary. It’s a very western way of documenting knowledge, but it’s perfect for those of us who love learning about languages in the comfort of our own reading nooks.

The dictionary and I go way back. The first dictionary I owned was adorned with a large sticker of Leonardo diCaprio; a prized possession for sure! I also have many memories of my dad disappearing from the room mid-argument and returning with the largest dictionary known to man in order to put an end to language-related disputes… or perhaps to find a new word to throw into the ring. That wouldn’t surprise me. These days I don’t think he has to go very far, as there's usually dictionary within reach.

Dad’s not reading this because he doesn’t do social media, but he knows that I appreciate his worldly knowledge of words. He knows because he corrects me at every chance he gets, and he knows because we’ve been known to browse the dictionary together and feel the happy haze of learning that hangs in the air… as well as the ongoing friendly dispute about the evolution of language, and therefore what words belong in the dictionary!

There are several websites on my hit list when it comes to checking out language-related things. The most visited ones are: (also love the app, which I refer to often) (because sometimes it helps to know what the kids are talking about these days) (I have fallen down many happy rabbit holes while browsing this website) (my favourite spot for getting pun inspiration)

And believe me, I refer to these websites a lot because when it comes to writing words for a brand, I want to make sure that the words I choose, and use in copywriting suit the brand, and will resonate with the audience it’s destined to reach.

I was having a conversation with a friend and peer last week and she asked me about why I love working with words so much, and the answer was that words are all around us. They’re a huge part of how we communicate with each other, our clients and our customers, and I just happen to think it’s nice to choose purposeful, engaging, clever words that enhance the brand experience and foster connection with the people with whom you’re trying to communicate.

So I shall continue to do just that. I love words, and music, and the dictionary, and of course my dad for instilling such a love of language in me. And now I am off to find something else to write.


Connecting the dots
